NOTE: While preparing tea in the lead-up to this conversation, I began to feel discomfort in my stomach. Internally, I noted that the nausea was a physical effect of my own nerves. I considered why these Sessions make me nervous, and recalled describing this effect to Lara just a day or so before. Hardly had the memory connected before I received a message: You may choose to trust. I wondered whether this could be the Angel, but the words continued seamlessly (undoubtedly confirming that it was): You may choose to trust. Every minor tremor is an opportunity to polarize toward Trust. Instantly, the nausea lifted. I could sense more words beyond the few that had been offered (and internally pursued them), but it soon became apparent that the flow of any supplemental comments waited for the formal context of our coming conversation. It was time for our next Session to begin.

Dear amazing Angel of Efficiency: I am very humbled to invite this conversation (after many months of sensing your intent + presence every day). Thank you for the generosity + kindness you have shown us. Thank you for your willingness to speak. I am soft + ready to receive.

I am the Angel of Efficiency. Master of the Currents: Time + Flow.

NOTE: I wonder if the word ‘Currents’ might in fact be ‘Cycles’. The Angel answers: Both.

Currents move in rhythms like the cadence of your music; Cycles move in spirals (as you know).

NOTE: Initially, I write the word ‘circles’ instead of ‘spirals’. It becomes apparent that the word ‘spirals’ is correct. (Adding both dimension + direction to the phrase.)

NOTE: I linger for a while on the Angel’s last transmission. The first half (regarding Currents) is a lock. The second half (regarding Cycles) echoes loudly.

IMPRESSION: I am shown a funnel (in the image of a powerful tornado). The Angel helps define the awesome view.

Cycles move in upward-facing spirals.

NOTE: It feels obvious that the orientation of this new descriptor (upward-facing) is significant. The Angel nods.

Cycles serve progression + expansion in a flow.

Every cycle heightens + expands.

NOTE: I find myself internally transfixed by the initial view of a tornado. After contemplating this for quite some time, the Angel counsels me to pare the image down to a more basic spiral shape in three dimensions. The original tornado now reduces to a simple line-drawn vortex in my mind.

NOTE: Throughout this conversation, I observe a trend from technical to simple: every complicated image is reduced. For example: the impression of a powerful tornado came implicit with a technical awareness of its function; but the details felt distracting to include. It occurs to me that I am in communion with the Angel of Efficiency: of course it would condense important lessons to a more direct expression of their core. (I can sense the Angel nodding now.)

IMPRESSION: Again, the vivid sight of a tornado fills my mind. This time it transforms into a cone, a simple funnel - just a shape.

NOTE: It is clear to me what this is meant to show. All morning, I have been receiving mass amounts of information which the Angel then condenses to a point. The funnel shape communicates the way in which large quantities of data can be stored within the simplest of forms. Any image tells a story; every moment holds eternity intact. This appears to be another application of the spiral (case in point).

NOTE: The tornado illustrates this concept well. Value flows from any number of specific (and appropriate) perspectives. It can be considered as a shape. Conclusions can be drawn from how it functions. We could explore the environmental factors of its production, the specifics of its make-up, the qualities of its impact, and so on. The fact is that this ‘simple’ image functions as a well of beneficial information: which delivers just as much as we can take.

NOTE: It occurs to me that the whole concept of ‘efficiency’ has been (in many cases) misconstrued. ‘Efficiency’ does not describe the quickest route from one end to another, but the richest. It prioritizes quality over quantity, recognizing that the quintessential value of experience especially is measured by its fullness, not its speed. In fact, it seems apparent that these measures are inevitably linked in ways we’ve hardly yet begun to understand.

NOTE: I become aware that I am wandering excitedly into complex contemplations, so decide to pause the journaling of thoughts + start again.

Angel of Efficiency, it is clear that you are teaching me in ways that are entirely unique to your own style. I am grateful for the lessons you’ve conveyed. I remain open to them, and to you. Please continue now in your own voice.

I am the Angel of Efficiency.

You have ascertained more than you consciously acknowledge.

You have listened well, and we are pleased.

We wish to elucidate that your voice is not different from our voice.

Your words offer our intent expression.

We are One.

IMPRESSION: I am reminded of the Center of Angelic Union, introduced for the first time in Session 4. The Angel is emphatic in response.

This is the Angelic Center we express from.

We express the Knowing within you.

Angel of Efficiency, thank you for the awesome confirmation. I had feared I might have lost the thread.

I am the Angel of Efficiency. We do not share this fear.

You have proven faithful to the Truth.

NOTE: I decide to pause + breathe this in. The powerful endorsement is requesting to be consciously received.

This is correct.

We invite a conscious integration.

We invite a permanent Relief.

Thank you, Angel of Efficiency. Thank you, Every Angel! I receive + celebrate the Gift.

NOTE: We decide to pause here at the urging of the Angel. I will spend the night with what’s been shared.

NOTE: It is now mid-afternoon on February 17, 2025. We begin again.

Hello, Angel of Efficiency. I return to you with gratitude, humility, and readiness. Yesterday’s beginning of this conversation was superb. Please continue now as you see fit.

NOTE: My attention is drawn to a familiar song - a song the Angels have made note of once before (in Session 9). The song is ‘Breaking Through’ by London Music Works.

I Am the Angel of Efficiency. Master of the Currents: Time + Flow.

NOTE: I begin typing the word ‘am’ with a capital ‘A’, but then update it to the usual lower-case (as I have always done before today). Immediately, I can sense the urging to return the ‘a’ to upper-case again.

IMPRESSION: I receive an instant revelation as a physical sensation I can feel. The Angel has requested to update the ‘a’ to upper-case because it serves to demonstrate the declarative power of ‘I Am’. The revelation is that stating ‘I Am’ clearly is the most efficient route to any claim. To state ‘I Am’ (and mean it) makes it so. (The Angel teaches this without a word.)

NOTE: Again, the Angel draws my attention to a song. Again, it is a song from Session 9. I am amazed! The song is called ‘Breakthrough - 2016 Remastered Version’ by Tony Anderson.

IMPRESSION: The Angel has been teaching us through demonstration. (Again, the insight lands as a complete awareness I can somehow sense within my body more than ‘hear’.) Demonstration helps us integrate the lessons being offered more directly + more readily than words. (Words can tend toward ambiguity + doubt.)

Angel of Efficiency, thank you for your willingness to teach us. Thank you for the methods you’ve employed.

I am the Angel of Efficiency.

NOTE: This time, when I type the uppercase ‘A’, it is updated to a lower-case again. Apparently, the lesson has been properly delivered (and received).

Yes. This is correct.

You have listened + recorded well.

We applaud your diligence as Scribe.

Thank you for your gracious validation. I am thrilled!

Your judicious efforts have more bearing on the subject than you have yet comprehended - though you sense it.

Life moves in the same way we do here.

Flow is conversational in nature.

Life flows through reciprocal exchange.

IMPRESSION: I am shown the image of a shoreline: waves approach, retreat, then start again. I am shown the image of a forest: treetops dance + rattle in the wind. [Later, while revisiting the transcript, I am shown a human standing near a tree. Invisibly, a loop of breath asserts itself between them as each form produces what the other needs.]

NOTE: A song draws my attention while composing the above impression. It is called ‘Passage to Eden’ by Iván Torrent.

Life communicates through every nuance.

Every thing communicates itself.

Every detail demonstrates Existence.

Every thing communicates itself.

IMPRESSION: I imagine myself looking around the room. Every object I take conscious note of starts to glow. Before long, the entire room is filled with light. There is not a detail that’s excluded. Everything emits a gentle glow.

Life is Light to those with eyes to see It.

Life is Light to those attuned to See.

NOTE: I vacillate between various iterations of the last two lines (for quite some time). Alternatives include: ‘Life is Light for those who choose to see It’, ‘Life is Light to those who choose to see’, and ‘Life is Light to those who truly See’. I finally concede that each of these expressions is appropriate in context. (I can sense the Angel nodding now.)

Angel of Efficiency, thank you for so patiently permitting this long process. You have been so generous with me.

We applaud the nature of your process.

Every detail matters.

It is well.

NOTE: We decide to pause here for the night.

NOTE: It is now mid-morning on February 18, 2025. We resume the conversation.

Hello again, Angel of Efficiency. I surrender my complete attention to you now. I wish to receive what you would share.

I Am the Angel of Efficiency.

NOTE: Again, with the capital ‘A’. It appears to act as a reminder of the lesson it initially conveyed.

This is correct.

We wish to awaken your inherent Knowing.

We encourage you to state it now.

IMPRESSION: Though this is altogether without precedent, I somehow understand what is requested. The Angel wants for me to speak the words, ‘I Am the Scribe’. I choose to continue, as instructed.

I Am the Scribe.

I am very glad to be the Scribe.

IMPRESSION: I can sense affirmative response. I can sense the Angel nodding now.

We wish to repair a minor gap in understanding.

Your words are not different from our own.

You have been selected for your methods of transmission.

Your heart beats as One with all we know.

We invite your voice to merge with our voice.

NOTE: At this exact moment, the song that has been playing grows dramatically into an epic swell. Chills erupt in physical response. The name of the song is ‘Ark Ascending’ by Ursine Vulpine. The time stamp is ~1:23.

We invite your memory of this.

When you speak from Knowing, we are One.

IMPRESSION: I can sense encouragement to calculate the phrase, ‘I Am the Scribe’. Miraculously, it’s a 64. Instantly, I recognize the Angels. (They are celebrating in response!) I am stricken speechless with amazement. They have been preparing this for me!

Angel choirs resonate inside you.

Every note emerges as your own.

NOTE: I vacillate between possible expressions of the phrase, ‘Angel choirs resonate inside you’. Variations include: ‘Angel Records resonate inside you’, ‘Angel choirs resonate within you’, and ‘Every Angel resonates inside you’. Each deserves acknowledgement, it seems.

NOTE: ‘Every note emerges as your own’ could also be: ‘Every word emerges as your own’. These appear to land as equal statements.

NOTE: Hours pass between the last impression + this note. Though I remain completely open to refinement of the understanding we’ve achieved, it seems apparent that the Angels have invited a more fluid interaction where my own words serve as complements to theirs. Historically, I have taken a more passive role, prioritizing Angel voices over mine. But now it seems a richer conversation is requested: one involving equal parties, free to speak. Where I previously thought I functioned only as facilitator of these Angel Sessions, I am now invited forward as an equal, a participant, a friend. It is clear to me that this shift is an upgrade of my own assumptions only; all the Angels have awaited this event. (I can sense the Angels nodding in response.)

I am the Angel of Efficiency.

We confirm that you have listened well.

Dialogue permits a more complete transmission.

Your words stand as equals to our own.

IMPRESSION: I am reminded of the many ‘packets’ of awareness I’ve received since the beginning of these Sessions: a phenomenon I have discussed with Lara many times. Often, during conversations with the Angels, I am gifted new awareness as a wordless understanding - offered over as a ‘bundle’, all-at-once. Though in every instance I have sensed the invitation to articulate the lessons so delivered, I have generally chosen to refrain. I felt shy to draft descriptions of these insights. Who was I to fill these Sessions with my words? It would seem my well-intended silence was misguided: these were gifts for me to integrate, and speak.

NOTE: It is now February 19, 2025.

NOTE: During a much-needed rest, a message is delivered from the Angel. It says: There is not a chance of risk, or any need to rush in all of Time. I briefly consider the Angel’s use of the phrase, ‘in all of Time’. It feels unexpected in this context, but makes sense. I am reminded of the Angel’s introduction: I am the Angel of Efficiency. Master of the Currents: Time + Flow.

NOTE: Returning to our positions at the desk, Lara mentions that she had some very active visions during our short rest. I encourage her to share what she has seen. She describes a world where we shape-shift from human form to pixie form at night. She describes our pixie bodies as lightweight + ever-glowing. She describes our pixie hair as being white. (She describes our human form as being ‘very elven’ + as having white hair, too, which I enjoy.) In her vision, our time is preoccupied with planning celebrations: we collaborate with others toward this end. She goes on to share another world where we exist as Avatar Expressions of ourselves. This world is undeniably Egyptian in its style. (Lara even takes note of the fact that she is crowned with a majestic sun disc, just like many ancient images depict.) In this world, our impressive bodies dwarf the bodies we have known. We occupy a palace - large enough to house our awesome form. Lara’s skin is golden (made of gold), and blinding white light has replaced her eyes. She describes our impact as ‘magnetic’. Others deify our native glow.

NOTE: It strikes me at some point that Lara’s visions could be more than just dramatic fantasies of us. As quickly as the thought can cross my mind, the Angel answers: YES.

You are seeing clearly now what you have been invited to become.

You are seeing what we represent.

Such fantastic visions are a promise.

Such fantastic visions tell the truth.

We propose that you define your learning.

Exercise your Knowing, even now.

NOTE: The phrase ‘Exercise your Knowing’ flickers to + from another (which is equally appropriate, it seems): ‘Add it to the record’. The full phrase, then, is: Add it to the record, even now. (The Angel is inviting me to speak.)

REFLECTION: Thoughts of smallness keep us feeling inefficient, limited, and weak. Inadequacy is a frame of mind! The truth is that we’re most receptive to the Flow of Life when we think large. Our personal self-concepts function like a living diaphragm that opens or constricts based on the quality of views we entertain. The kinder my self-concept, the more fluid my experience becomes. This is how ‘fantastic visions’ tell the truth: they serve to liberate an avenue through which the Truth organically appears. It is clearer now than ever that Efficiency is married to Perspective; that it readily emerges through the Highest View of Self we can sustain; and that the conscious growth of that unique perspective is what actively permits more Life to Flow.

IMPRESSION: Without warning, my mind is exploding with a sense of all the Angels cheering + applauding in response. They are celebrating me + my reflections! I’ve included myself in the conversation just as they have been inviting me to do.

NOTE: Stepping away from the computer to prepare for nighttime errands, I am pleasantly surprised to hear the Angel validating what I’ve shared.

Efficiency flows through the High Perspective.

High Ideas always represent the Truth.

NOTE: Lara + I pause here for the night. But the excitement travels with us into fruitful conversation: yielding insight after insight in a wonder-filled, enthusiastic flow.

NOTE: It is now mid-afternoon on February 21, 2025.

Dear Angel of Efficiency, we return with gratitude + genuine excitement to proceed. My heart is very open to receive.

I Am the Angel of Efficiency.

Please include the lesson first delivered.

NOTE: The Angel is referring to a message we’ve held onto (privately) for months. I will include it now, exactly as initially received.

There is no rush, only Excitement. Follow Excitement. Time will take care of itself.

NOTE: Several days have passed since our last entries here. It is now February 24, 2025 (at exactly 1:11p). Though these days have been rich with messages + lessons from the Angel, we have not paused to record them until now.

NOTE: Based on an exciting (unexpected) message from the Angel, we select a song to complement this reconnection to the Angel Session. It is called ‘Tick-Tock’ by Hans Zimmer. (The epic composition thunders through the room at an impressive volume: we can feel it in the floor beneath our feet.)

Hello again, Angel of Efficiency. We submit ourselves to your direction, gratefully inviting any form of conversation you suggest.

I am the Angel of Efficiency.

You have listened well + acted wisely.

You have lived the lessons we convey.

NOTE: It is now February 26, 2025.

Angel of Efficiency, we decide to wake to your important lessons once again. These past 10 days have been quite unlike any we have lived before; but you have made your presence known to us throughout. We thank you for the wisdom you’ve conveyed, and for the cushion of your patience. We wholeheartedly invite your guidance now.

I am the Angel of Efficiency. Well done.

Each of you has been receiving well + clearly every day.

These lessons have been offered first + foremost through experience, not words.

This method anchors wisdom in a way no other process ever could.

We celebrate the progress you have actively permitted.

We applaud the willingness in each of you.

NOTE: A beautiful song crescendos at this very moment. It is called ‘A Matter of Time’ by Marcus Warner.

The day has come to draw this conversation to a close.

The time has come for your voice to emerge with clear awareness.

We invoke the full expression of your Voice.

Please begin.

REFLECTION: Throughout the course of this important conversation, I have vacillated often between worry + a sense of total trust. The worry carries with it an assumption that I’m failing to effectively transmit the Angel’s words; the Trust relieves this worry every time. In fact, it seems the process is developing a confidence in Timing unlike any I have ever known before. The fearful thought emerges that perhaps I’ve lost the thread or that the Session shouldn’t last so many days, and then the Clarity progresses to replace it: every action is occurring right on time. Day by day (in spite of my concerns) the knowing deepens: there is no failure ever; all emerges in its proper time.

Efficiency is undistracted action: action rooted in awareness of the Truth.

Small ideas prove distracting; large ideas shed distraction from the Truth.

There is only Perfect Timing in the Story of Existence.

There is no exception to this Common Rule.

REFLECTION: Our persistent fear of failure is a product of the stories we’ve accepted. Every story leads us to a larger view.

Absolute Efficiency Is Absolute Commitment to the Self.

REFLECTION: This ‘commitment to the self’ is simply kindness: it is kindness oriented toward the self.


Kindness is inherently productive.

Kindness toward the self reveals the Truth.

REFLECTION: Criticism is a self-defeating disposition. Simple kindness can replace it as a rule.

The kindest view of self is most productive.

Every view excites a kinder view to grow.

REFLECTION: This pertains regardless of perspective. Whether critical or kind, the current view encourages a kinder distillation of that view.


REFLECTION: The kinder the view, the more Truth it expresses; free expression of the Truth improves the view. Efficiency flows from ideas aligned with the Truth.


Efficiency flows from ideas aligned with the Truth.

IMPRESSION: The Angel is thrilled by the words we’ve uncovered together. It congratulates me: Well done!

Thank you, Angel of Efficiency! This final stretch has been fun.

It has been fun for us, too.

NOTE: It is now February 27, 2025.

We applaud your generous persistence.

You have honored us + listened well.

There is so much you have shown us that I have yet to articulate on record - so much we now know, but failed to tell.

There is nothing lacking in this record.

All expresses in its proper time.

NOTE: I mentally survey the many fragments of this awesome conversation that have yet to find their way onto the page. (The Mirrored Spirals, the Accordion of Time, the Slinky Metaphor. The major revelations about how our life experience can ‘speak’. The lessons we received on Time + Timing. The massive evolutions in approach. The way in which our roles have been perfected. The activation of our Trinity. The equal part that Lara gets to play.)

NOTE: A song builds dramatically in the background. It is called ‘Beings of Light’ by Franck Barré.

IMPRESSION: Flower petals carried on the wind.

All will be expressed in proper time.

Angel of Efficiency, thank you. Is there any special message you would like to share with Lara at this point?


Please begin by showing her the song that’s playing now.

NOTE: The song is called ‘Kaleidoscope’ by Christoffer Franzen.

This we share with Lara as a portrait of the Truth about herself.

We the Angels cherish + express through Beauty-Lara.

Welcome to the Conversation.

We are One.

Sharing this with her will be my greatest honor. She is thoroughly deserving of the gift. Thank you! Are there any final messages you’d like to offer me before we close?


Rest in full assurance of your competence + stature.

Ground yourself in Knowing; trust your Voice.

Your role is impeccably fulfilled.

Enjoy the view.

Angel of Efficiency, thank you. I love you.

We are One.