NOTE: After receiving the Angel of Promise during our morning ritual + recognizing that it was inviting a new opportunity to meet, Lara + I paused to eat some breakfast. As I settled into my position at the table, I spontaneously wondered whether this new Angel might reveal its corresponding Mineral Ally. (I honestly assumed it might reveal this new connection through my wife - just as several of the other Angels had.) As quickly as I could become aware of myself contemplating this, the Angel spoke. It said: It is Emerald. The answer came so quickly + with such complete authority that I found myself wary to accept it. Again, the Angel stated: It is Emerald. Our corresponding Ally is the Emerald. Immediately, I shared this with Lara. Emerald is important for us both. We could not be happier to know this!

Dearest Angel of Promise: You have played a central role in my life for so long. You have been an Advocate, a Teacher, and a Friend. I have learned so much from you already. Thank you for this precious opportunity to meet. I am thrilled + ready to receive.

NOTE: I had previously queued my Stillness playlist in an effort to prepare a quiet (undistracted) setting for this session. The Angel indicates that its expression is far more dynamic than the playlist I’ve selected would imply. It encourages me to select another playlist. (Initially I attempt to justify my previous selection, but soon realize the silliness of that. I choose to trust the urging of the Angel.) It suggests Expansion or Expectant, even Epic. I can feel its preference for Epic, so decide to shuffle that playlist instead. Starting… now.

I am the Angel of Promise. You have been receiving well + clearly.

We applaud your willingness to hear.

Thank you. I’ve been looking forward to this moment. I have so much love + gratitude for you, my ancient friend.

‘Ancient’ is an accurate assessment [selection?].

NOTE: The Angel answers, Both (without a beat of hesitation). It is both.

I am the Angel of Promise. Keeper + Expression of Desire.

Genesis of All Creative Movement. Primal Force.

NOTE: The song playing as the Angel speaks these words is ‘Breaking Through’, by London Music Works.

IMPRESSION: I am shown the image of a sprout emerging from the rigid confines of its shell. I am shown a universe exploding from a single central point: a spray of light + color in a massive spiral pattern, rapid growth. I am shown the bursting of a dam: immeasurable volumes of an awesome liquid power raging outward from a bottleneck where once a wall attempted to contain it. I am shown a butterfly unfolding from the husk of its cocoon: the butterfly is flashing green + blue like neon lights, and massively outsizes the cocoon.

NOTE: Looking down at my phone, the song that’s playing now is ‘Fireflies’ by Lights & Motion.

This is the Explosion of Desire: Primordial Force of All That Is.

Void of this Desire, nothing moves.

Life Itself is moved by this Desire.

Life expands Itself from Love to Love.

This is what these riveting impressions seek to show you.

This is the Event of Breaking Through.

Life is the Expression of Desire.

All that Life creates, Desire moves.

Movement is the Child of Desire.

Movement is the Analog of Life.

Life exists in tandem with Desire.

Outside/inside faces of one coin.

What we call Desire is Impulsion: inner pressure thrusting for release.

Life is the Expression of Desire: Natural Effect of Inner Force.

Life is the inevitable outcome of Permission:

Inner Force permitted to express.

True Desire activates Creation.

All Creation symbolizes Life.

NOTE: These last words deliver like a mic drop. I can sense the generous permission to press pause + eat some food. Looking down at my cell phone, the song that’s playing is called ‘Breakthrough - 2016 Remastered Version’, by Tony Anderson.

NOTE: Lara + I break for lunch. During food prep, we enjoy a rich conversation inspired by the Angel of Promise + its themes. It becomes extremely clear that there is far more content being offered than the words recorded in the (written) session could contain. We become excited by the prospect of exploring more by video, and soon!

NOTE: The Angel transmits a sequence of new insights (and impressions), which I will share in the order they unfolded during lunch. The transmission is incited by the thought that, though the Angel has addressed the major subject of Desire, it has yet to mention anything about the theme of Promise in its name. As quickly as the thought completes itself, the Angel speaks.

Promise means Inevitable, Absolutely Certain, Guaranteed.

IMPRESSION: I am shown a child with a stone in hand. The child drops the stone. The stone falls to the ground.

This is an example of a law.

This law you experience as ‘gravity’ on Planet Earth.

Every law completes itself infallibly (within a certain context).

Every law is fully guaranteed.

When you drop an object, it descends.

This you come to recognize as law.

Every law is perfectly predictable in context.

Every cause produces an effect.

Every law submits itself to High Law.

Each law represents a higher law.

Promise is the Quintessence of High Law.

Promise is a Perfect Guarantee.

Promise is the Law supporting all laws.

Promise animates all lesser laws.

Lesser law depends upon its context.

High Law supersedes all lesser laws.

‘Gravity’ is true within its context.

Gravity reflects a Higher Law.

NOTE: This entire sequence since the ‘gravity’ impression was delivered in a flow of two-line bundles: every two complete lines form a set.

Promise is the essence of Desire.

Every True Desire is assured.

Life is animated by Desire.

Promise lifts Desire into Life.

Every True Desire is a Promise.

Every Promise must fulfill itself.

Every True Desire fuels Original Expression.

Life demands expression to advance.

Every True Desire, once permitted, activates its natural advancement.

Every True Desire guarantees its own fulfillment when allowed.

Promise is the essence + expression of Desire.

True Desire indicates the Principle of Promise - and fulfills itself by that same Law.

NOTE: Again, all preceding lines have been delivered in a flow of two-line bundles: every bundle constitutes a set.

NOTE: I begin to wonder (for an instant) whether these words can be practically applied. The Angel quickly registers the thought, and then responds.

The feeling of Desire is a Promise.

Every Promise must complete itself.

If permitted, every True Desire is accomplished.

Every True Desire profits Life.

Promise is a Principle which supersedes + permeates all context.

There is no exception to the rule.

Genuine Desire is a signal of the Promise that fulfills it.

Genuine Desire is the activating pressure of a life.

NOTE: Initially, I find the Angel’s use of the words ‘a life’ rather strange. I wonder if perhaps it should read ‘your life’. But the Angel vetoes this conjecture. It communicates a common law: pertinent to all unique expressions of the One Life. Every life is subject to the activating pressure of Desire. (I can feel the Angel nodding now.)

Every life is moved by that same animating pressure - every life impelled to seed more Life.

Every life expresses True Desire - in a way unique to that one life.

IMPRESSION: I imagine a starry expanse. The phrase ‘Constellation of Desires’ sticks + holds. It’s becoming clear to me that every life is formed by a unique set of desires, every one of which supports the ultimate expression of that life.

NOTE: The Angel is impressed by my interpretation of this image. I can feel it nodding in response.

NOTE: I become aware of the song that’s playing now. It’s one of my long-standing favorites: ‘Angels Will Rise’ by Twisted Jukebox.

Purpose is embodied through permission of Desire; Promise moves Desire into Life.

Life achieves Expression through the complex of desires you embody.

This Expression generates new life.

Angel of Promise, every word you have delivered is a treasure. Thank you for the wisdom you have shared!

If I may ask, are there any special messages you’d like to offer Lara at this point?

I am the Angel of Promise. Yes. We wish to impart a single statement:

Your desires indicate the essence of your birthright; your desires tell you what is true.

Train yourself to recognize the Promise in Desire: memory of Larger Life in you.

Know that your Desire is a vision: vision of the Life that’s yours to claim.

Claim the full expression of that Life.

NOTE: The music crescendos at this exact point. The song is ‘Waking Up’ by M83, Anthony Gonzalez, and Joseph Trapanese. The timestamp is exactly 3:00.

Lara, you are fertile with Desire: every last desire like a seed, a star, a universe of [in?] you.

NOTE: The Angel confirms: It is both.

NOTE: Again, the music crescendos. Dramatically. This time, the song is ‘Frozen Planet - From Frozen Planet II’ by Hans Zimmer, Adam Lukas, James Everingham, and AURORA. The timestamp is ~2:50.

Train yourself to celebrate the Promise of Fulfillment: supernovas ripening in you.

Absolutely stunning. What a gift! Angel of Promise, thank you.

NOTE: It is nighttime now, and we pause to accomplish final errands before sleep. On our drive into the city (Syracuse), we enjoy a massive double-rainbow which extends across the full length of our view. Lara celebrates it as a sign.

NOTE: On our drive home from the office, we discuss the as-of-yet-unfinished Angel Session. As I am describing my intent to see the conversation through to its completion without rushing (something I find difficult to do in cases where the sessions stretch across two days), we come to a stop beside a car with numbers in the license plate we can’t help but take note of: 6666. We refer to sequences like this as ‘Cosmic Numbers’. We have crafted meanings for each one (from 1111 to 9999). Since we have never seen this Cosmic Number ‘in the wild’, we cannot recall its meaning without reference. When Lara pulls our list up on her phone, we are amazed by what is waiting to be seen. The title we have crafted for this number (almost one full year ago) reads: Cosmic Celebration of Angelic Stewards. Needless to say, we receive the message loud + clear!

NOTE: During our time at the office + throughout the full remainder of the night, a simple two-line phrase repeatedly transmits itself: a clear communication from the Angel. I share it here exactly as received:

Desire equals Promise.

Promise equals Promise when allowed.

NOTE: It is now the morning of 8/12, and I’ve returned to meet the Angel once again. While it is evident to me that there is much more to discuss than we have covered in this session, I can sense that it is best to draw the current conversation to a close. (We’ll host a second session when the time is right.)

NOTE: Several hours pass since my last note. I attempt without success to settle myself into the remainder of this session, but eventually choose to step away. It is now mid-afternoon, and I’ve returned to settle in again.

Angel of Promise, thank you for your kindness + your patience. May I ask if there is anything specific you would like to share with me before concluding?

I am the Angel of Promise. There is.

We speak to you now from your own Center of Angelic Understanding - from that part of you that knows beyond the fear of your not-knowing - from the Crystalline Perspective of High Truth.

You are now invited to relax. You have been surrounded by your Friends.

Know that your intention to effectively transmit has been fulfilled.

Entirely fulfilled, to be exact.

NOTE: The Angel urges me to take note of the song that’s playing now: ‘Eternity’ by Jordan Critz.

IMPRESSION: Closing my eyes, I see a shepherd receiving a white sheep into his arms. I see the image of a man atop a cliff (typing this, I notice that the song has changed to ‘Summit’ by Gray North). The cliff is overlooking a magnificent expanse of sea + sky. The man extends his arms to either side like open wings. His hair is gently lifted by the wind. (The music playing now begins to build: a favorite song called ‘Grace’, by Tony Anderson.) The man that I am seeing is a symbol of release, of liberation. The man that I am seeing is myself.

You are an impeccable Translator, a meticulous Receiver, and a generous Provider - a True Friend.

Your demanding methods of precision + attunement serve us well.

Know that your sincerity is recognized + celebrated here.

Know that every effort serves an end.

We the Angels praise your dedication.

It is matched completely by our own.

Angel of Promise, thank you for this generous, encouraging transmission.

Would it be acceptable to meet with you again for a Part II?

Absolutely yes, when so inspired.

In the meantime, we encourage rest + integration. (Mostly rest.)

Yes, thank you. I will gladly take some time to rest. I love you.

Be completely satisfied + happy, Gentle Scribe.

We love you, too.