The point of Seer Training is to unify ourselves with greater Good by learning to see Goodness all around. In order to achieve this, we must train up the capacity to see beyond the ‘facts’ of our experience - to tap the causal ground from which they spring.


Seeing clearly is the art of seeing Truth from any angle. It is the ability to look at a ‘low number’ in the bank + find Abundance; to encounter angry moments + find Love; to recognize Perfection in the world. We like to say that it is possible to stare a screaming banshee in the face + find the angel. This is what our work resolves to do. And there is only one way to achieve it. We must each become discriminating seers: tuned up to the frequency of Truth, and blind to all that seems to contradict it. Often, this requires us to stand in opposition to the facts. Doing so takes practice + integrity + time.


Ultimately, Life produces for us based on what we offer our attention to. This is why we choose to see the Light. Doing so empowers us to call more of that same Light into life. We get to become directive agents - rather than reacting to events. This is why we enter Seer Training: to reclaim our true creative role. As simple as this seems (and truly is), the practice can prove challenging at first. This is why our Training is important. Learning in a partnership accelerates our progress; it helps to soften growing pains as well.


Logistically, Seer Training is the most straightforward program that we offer. Meetings can be weekly (for 3 months) or every-other-week (for 6 months). Meetings can be hosted via audio or video (phone or Zoom). The cost for either term length is the same: $5555.

In cases where installment plans are helpful, we are always happy to discuss.



Seer Training is a call to very conscious action over time. Only some will be equipped to heed this special call. If reading this awakens something in you, we should talk. Each is wanted here when their time comes.

You are wanted here when it is time.