The Greek root from which the word dragon is derived means ‘to see clearly’.

What are three things we know about dragons from our stories? 1) We know that they breathe fire; 2) We know that they instinctively hunt gold; and 3) We know that they protect the gold they’ve found. This is everything each one of us must learn to do as well. The fire of the dragon is a symbol of refinement, not destruction. It’s a purifying fire: it is meant to burn away what is not gold. The gold itself is virtue, insight, crystal-clear perception of the Truth. This life is made of big + little truths, cause + effect. The dragon’s fire melts away the dross of lesser stories to expose the inner treasures they’ve concealed.


The dragon is impenetrable, unrelenting, single-minded. It’s stance is one of absolute commitment to the constant acquisition of pure gold. It’s whole entire life is predicated on the force of this uncompromising aim - and so must ours be. The gold we seek is waiting to be recognized in every inch + moment of our days. It needn’t be created, but revealed. Our work is not a work of self-hypnosis, but a work of seeing clearly to the Truth. The gold that we uncover is the miracle + joy of Life Itself. The fire of correct perception melts the heaviness + dross of outer life; producing pearls of thank-you in each case.

(In Chinese culture, dragons often herald celebration. This is a direct link to our gold.)


The Seer, like the dragon, must be unrelenting, focused, undeterred. The Seer must ferociously employ a gracious vision: bright enough to pierce the dark assumption of our smallness; clear enough to burn away our fears. Seers must be gentle, strong, and fierce. They must stand in absolute commitment to the Truth. This is what we call The Dragon’s Way. This is the objective of our Training.