Angel of Possibility, thank you for being here with me. I am open now to hear you speak.

I am here. I am glad to be here. I am you.

Does this format of typing vs. audio recording work for you?


You may contact any way you wish.

Any time. Any place. By any means you wish.

We [the Angels] are not withheld from you at any point in time for any reason.

We [the Angels] are you. We are one. You carry us within your DNA, within your spirit.

We are ‘Higher Spirit’ speaking through the codons of your DNA, which we call ‘Light’.

Every code is like a switch, which can be ‘flipped on’ any time you choose.

You have called for me: my switch is ‘On’.

Are there in fact a total of 64 ‘switches’ (Angels)?

There are for now.

NOTE: I receive the sense that the number 64 is specifically significant for this dimension / time. The Angel says, Infinity means Infinity, implying that anything is possible. There are no bounds at all to what can be. (This last sentence is confirmed to be the voice of the Angel, though I was not aware of that at first.) There are no bounds at all to what can be.

What is an Angel?

An Angel in this context is Core Essence. A Messenger from Higher Self to you.

IMPRESSION: It is immediately apparent that, although this turn of phrase implies a distance between ‘Higher Self’ + ‘me’, there is in fact no distance: Higher Self is living out through me.

This is correct. Though we would use the word ‘expression’, as you know.

NOTE: ‘As you know’ most likely refers to our recent conversation with Lara’s Herkimer Diamond Skeletal (Majestic), which spoke at length on Life + its Expression.

Is this conversational, question-and-answer format ok?

It is.

I do not wish to dominate our time.

You won’t.

Is there anything you would enjoy for me to know or see?


I am the Angel of Possibility. Possibility is without end.

Everything you’ve heard from us [the Angels] in the lead-up to this conversation has been true.

You have been attuning yourself to the voice of Angels, Voice of Truth.

This path of reception has been opened [chosen?].

NOTE: The Angel refines this for me - aware of my uncertainty about which word it wanted most to use.

Opened by your choice.

This path of reception has been opened by your choice to hear our words.

Every choice initiates a world. You enact new worlds when you decide.

Possibility is like an ocean of potential without end.

Anything + everything can be.

In fact, it is already - though not yet in form.

(At least not yet in form within your world.)

You pick-and-choose each moment by decision.

Your world resets with every minor choice.

Each choice enacts a track of new potential.

A new world blossoms every time you choose.

I am the Angel of Possibility. I am the Infinite Sea.

Anything you wish for can be chosen.

You must simply hold to what you choose.

Is this the hinge-point? Holding to what is most desired / what we choose?

The hinge-point is decision. Every choice produces a new world.

To choose then choose again in one direction is the means by which you institute a world.

If choices are aligned, they chart a path.

If choices are disparate, they branch off - never quite arriving at a previously chosen end, no matter how desired it may be.

NOTE: I recognize a twinge of ‘focus fatigue’. I wonder if it may be possible to pause the conversation, then return. I decide to ask the Angel.

Angel of Possibility, would it be acceptable to pause this conversation, then return again once I’ve recharged a bit?

Absolutely yes.

As I have stated, we are here for you at any time. Please revive your spirits, then return. You will find us waiting on your call.

NOTE: I pause to drink some water + check in with Lara, catch my breath. This has been an awesome start for sure.

NOTE: I have returned after spending some time with my Lara. We remain seated beside one another, outside.

Hello again, Angel of Possibility. I have returned. I am refreshed, calm + ready.

I am the Angel of Possibility. It is good you have returned.

There is much we [the Angels] have to say.

We honor your choice to hear.

Angel of Possibility, is there anything you’d wish to add to what you were describing before?

Only that what we have shared is entirely literal, though it may not seem to be so from your view.

Your choices move in a flow. Most are not noticed at all.

Your life unfolds in a similar flow of response.

(Life responds to what you choose.)

It isn’t until you have practiced the Art of Decision that you become conscious of this.

NOTE: I wonder if the ‘Art of Decision’ is in any way connected to the Angel of Decision.

Art of Decision is taught by the 40th Angel. We work together, as one.

When you decide, mountains move.

You do not move them. They move.

This is the Art of Decision. It is a literal force.

This ‘force’ is direction of Life Force, which acts on behalf of your choice.

This action applies force to spiritual matter, producing the world around you.

To speak in such terms is to enter the Infinite Sea.

To choose with intention makes-real.

Angel of Possibility: thank you for these awesome words. We will return to them often.

May I ask if there is any message you would like to deliver for Lara?

Yes. You may. And: there is.

Lara is Infinite Angel. Captain of Infinite Sea.

Lara is vast beyond measure, Crystalline Capacity.

Lara should know she is able to change as-desired. Follow the words we have shared.

Choose to dismiss any vision that makes you feel small.

Choose higher visions instead.

Act with conviction as soon as a choice has been made.

Hold to the choice you have made.

Lara must know she is skilled at the focus required.

She may rely on this skill.

Help her remember.

She will remember.

She will remember, and act.

Angel of Possibility, is there any specific message you would love to deliver to me?

Oh yes.

Thank you for choosing to listen.

This world enacted by what you have chosen is good.

You are empowered to listen, receive, and transmit. You are encouraged to now.

We remain open to contact. We will remain so - as long as you wish to return.

You are a crystal clear channel. You may claim that, if you wish.

‘Channel’ is music, if opened + clean. Yours is entirely clean.

You are a Crystalline Angel. Angel of Angels.

You See.

You may accept what you see.

You are attuned to the Good. Tune to the Good to receive.

Thank you for choosing to listen, Honorable Timothy.

I am in awe over what you have shared. Thank you for this conversation, Angel of Possibility. I love you.